Fall is our favorite time to seed lawns. The ideal seeding window is from mid-August to mid-September. Whether you’re overseeding or starting fresh, the cooler, more consistent temperatures will make tending to young grass seedlings much easier. Our seed mixes have been selected specifically for southeastern Nebraska, and they’re updated yearly to include the most disease-resistant, drought tolerant, hardy grasses available on the market. Sod is also available seasonally at our 40th street store. We’ve put together this beginner’s guide to seeding lawns, if you have questions give us a call or stop by one of our garden centers to talk with one of our turf grass experts!
Site Prep
Choosing Seed
Start by spreading a seed starting fertilizer. Doing this first will prevent the wheels of the spreader from picking up freshly laid seed, which results in spotty seed coverage. If you are using a seed covering that contains fertilizer, you can skip this step. While soil is loose, fill your spreader with half the amount of seed needed for your area. Walk in parallel lines across your lawn to spread the seed. If you started walking north-south, then walk east-west with the second half of the seed to criss-cross your lawn for the most even coverage. Cover the seed to help hold the seed in place and conserve moisture. Straw is a good choice, but make sure you aren’t using hay, which contains weed seeds. We like to use Greenview Grass Seed Accelerator, which consists of pellets that expand with stores of water. The pellets contain a seed starting fertilizer, so you don’t need to spread the initial application of fertilizer separately.
Grass seed needs light to germinate, so seed will sit shallowly on the soil. It needs to be kept moist during germination, which can take between 5 and 21 days depending on the type of seed used and the temperature. This can be difficult when our August and September days are hot and windy. Covering the seed will make a big difference in the amount of water needed to keep germinating seedlings moist. Plan on watering two to four times each day for the first couple of weeks to keep the top layer of soil moist. Sprinkle lightly for a few minutes each time.
As the grass begins to come up, slowly start backing off on the frequency of waterings, but water a little deeper to encourage root growth.
Start to mow the grass when it reaches three or four inches. Mowing a couple of times before winter will help harden off the grass. Give it an extra boost for spring by fertilizing in late October or early November.
lawnmower servicing says:
That is especially helpful in areas liable to drought.