2018 brings new selections of North American natives for small spaces. Add flashes of seasonal color and structure to perennial beds with these new choices. For those looking for a statement, check out some of the larger hydrangeas, winterberries, and viburnums available.
Small Space Shrubs
Berry Poppins Winterberry (Ilex verticillata ‘FARROWBPOP’) + Mr. Poppins Winterberry (Ilex verticillata ‘FARROWMRP’)
3-4′ tall and wide. This dwarf deciduous holly looses its leaves each fall, allowing the berries to stand out in the winter landscape. A North American native that supports birds and other wildlife during the winter. Plant at least one Mr. Poppins per five female Berry Poppins to ensure good berry production. Partial sun to full sun.
Lemony Lace Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa ‘SMNSRD4’)
3-5′ tall and wide. The lacy foliage of Black Lace Elderberry in a new, bright chartreuse color. Large clusters of white flowers bloom in the spring, followed by a flush of new growth that emerges red before fading to chartreuse. This cultivar of a North American native can handle full sun to partial sun and wet soils.
Mid Sized Bloomers
Large Massing Shrubs
Berry Heavy Winterberry (Ilex verticillata ‘Spravy’)
6-7′ tall and wide. This large cultivar of a North American native produces tons of red berries on bare stems that stand out against the winter landscape. Berries are perfect for cut arrangements and supporting winter wildlife. Plant with Mr. Poppins winterberry for berry production. Partial sun to full sun.
Eve Hulvershorn says:
We’ll be carrying Blue Enchantress and Endless Summer that turn blue in acid soils or with amendments applied.
LS says:
Do you carry Hydrangea Microphylla with blue mop cap?
Eve Hulvershorn says:
Hi Robert, sorry but we don’t stock that variety!
Robert Stroup says:
Do you have in stock Red Feather Viburnum?