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Plant Profile: Orchids

Orchids are an interior design staple, with graceful flower spikes loaded with colorful flowers that can last for months. Their roots often protrude from the pot and circle the deep green basal leaves, adding to the plant’s sculptural look. There are over 30,000 different varieties of orchids all around the planet, but the most common […]
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From the Potting Bench: Common Insects on Houseplants

Because houseplants are generally in controlled, fairly sterile environments, an insect infestation can wreak havoc. Natural predators like ladybugs usually aren’t around to help manage populations. The following insects tend to hang out on the undersides of leaves, or in the little nooks where stems branch, so sometimes we don’t notice our plants are hosting […]
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Plant Profile: Bromeliads

Bromeliads are native to the rain forests of South America. The “blooms” are actually colorful, long-lasting bracts. They’re easy to care for houseplants that add color to our winter homes.Environment In their rainforest homes, bromeliads grow on rocks or trees. Their root systems are small, so plant them in small pots using an orchid potting […]